Immigrant, refugee, and visible minority men who have used/are at risk of using violence in relationships
Have children under 19 (Vancouver program only)
The Men in Change program helps men take responsibility for their role in healthy domestic relationships. The goal is to empower men to make positive choices.
Take our free English Classes through LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers in Canada) in Burnaby, Surrey, Vancouver and Online. MOSAIC LINC class certificates can be used for Canadian Citizenship application.
The Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants (CPSI) program provides employment services in BC. Use your education and skills to get a job in your field. Learn more now.
2 years of experience in your profession in another country
Permanent Residents, Refugees, Refugee Claimants
Looking to re-enter your field in Canada? Workplace Connections Mentoring Program help newcomers to Canada connect with career mentors. Become a Mentee today.
The MOSAIC Family Centre helps government-assisted refugee families get settled in BC. Learn about our newcomer family programs, resources, and support.
Are you a youth (age 16 – 28) struggling to adapt to Canada? The Moving Ahead FreeRunning newcomer youth program will help you get the skills you need to succeed.
Community Action Program for Children is for Korean, Vietnamese, and Somali families who need parenting support and help. Learn how we can help you today.
Living in New Westminster and studying in a New Westminster School (SD40)
Are you a newcomer parent/s to Canada with a child (5-12 years) and youth (13-18 years) living and studying in New Westminster School District (SD40)? Support for Newcomer Children in Schools will help you learn about in-school settlement support.
Little or no knowledge of the Canadian legal system
MOSAIC’s Legal Advocacy Program provides legal help for immigrants and refugees. We help you understand the Canadian legal system and your rights in Canada.