- Children, Youth and Family Support
- Diversity and Inclusion Training
- Employer Support and Engagement
- Employment Services
- English Classes and Testing
- Health and Counselling
- Interpretation and Translation
- Interpretation and Translation Services
- Legal Information & Workplace Rights
- Refugee Sponsorship
- Settlement Services
- Violence Prevention and Support
- Afghan Refugee Resettlement Initiative
- Anger Management Care Program (AMCP)
- BC Services and Assistance for Humanitarian & Vulnerable Newcomers (BC SAF Haven)
- BC Settlement and Integration Services (BCSIS)
- BC’s Refugee Claimant Housing Referral System (BC CHARMS)
- Building Blocks Vancouver
- Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants (CPSI) Program
- Civic Opportunities for Newcomers: Networking and Engaging Communities Together (CONNECT)
- Community Action Program for Children
- Connecting BC Employers with Skilled Candidates
- Culture Connections Social Mentoring Program
- Enhancing Healthy Relationships Program (EHRP)
- Fast Track to Manufacturing Plus (F2M Plus) Program
- Free English Classes (LINC)
- Gender-Based Enhanced Settlement Program (GESP)
- Head Start English
- I Belong Program
- Interpretation & Translation Services
- Low-Cost English Classes
- MOSAIC CARES for Seniors
- MOSAIC Engage CELPIP Testing
- MOSAIC Engage CLBPT Test Centre
- MOSAIC Engage IELTS Test Centre
- MOSAIC Legal Advocacy Program
- MOSAIC Seniors Club
- Moving Ahead Program (MAP)
- Moving Ahead: FreeRunning Program
- Multicultural Outreach Services (MOS)
- Multicultural Victim Services
- Newcomers and Community Building Program (NCBP)
- Next Steps
- Operation #NotForgotten
- Planning for Canada
- Private Refugee Sponsorship Program (PRS)
- Refugee Employment Support Services Program
- Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA)
- Settlement Workers in Schools Program
- Social and Civic Opportunities: Pathways to Equity Program (SCOPE)
- Stopping the Violence Counselling for Women
- Sudanese Community Building Project (SCBP)
- Support for Migrant Workers and Employers
- The Accessibility for Newcomers Program
- The Men in Change Program
- The MOSAIC Family Centre
- Women’s Support Group
- WorkBC Employment Services
- Workplace Connections Mentoring Program