Have a Compliment or Complaint?

We welcome your feedback! You can share your feedback through the Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Office.


Do you want to share your appreciation for the help you received from MOSAIC? We will pass on your positive comments to staff and teams to recognize them for their exceptional service.

Share your compliment via email at feedback@mosaicbc.org.


It is best to talk about your concerns at the time and place they happen. If you have questions or concerns about your service, please talk about it with the person who provided the service or that person’s manager.

If you are not comfortable talking to a manager or you are unhappy about how your concerns were handled, you can share your concerns with the Quality Assurance Office via email at feedback@mosaicbc.org.

We take concerns about our services seriously. We will work with you to resolve your concerns. Providing your feedback won’t compromise your access or services.

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We promise to listen and use your feedback to celebrate success or improve the quality of our services!