MOSAIC receives $250,000 grant for multi-purpose centre

March 2, 2023

The B.C. government recently announced capital project grants across six sectors, including social services, through Community Gaming Grants. One of the recipients was MOSAIC, which received $250,000.

The grant is intended for renovations and the creation of a new multi-service centre inside Burnaby’s Highgate Village Mall. Currently serving an estimated 1,500 newcomer clients, the Highgate office originally housed MOSAIC’s Moving Ahead Program (MAP), which assists newcomers experiencing settlement challenges. The office has since accommodated additional settlement and employment programs.

“I am excited for the newly upgraded multi-service centre that will allow newcomers to forge meaningful social connections, improve their digital literacy, and tap into employment and community support services,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Our government is committed to supporting organizations such as MOSAIC that contribute to the growth and prosperity of our communities.”

MOSAIC CEO Olga Stachova welcomed the support.

“MOSAIC is extremely grateful for the $250,000 BC Community Gaming Grant for our new Highgate location in Burnaby,” Stachova said. “This grant will allow us to open a new multi-service centre, increasing access and improving the variety of services we provide to immigrants and refugees of all ages. Thanks to the Community Gaming Grant, this centre will be a lifeline to many in the community.”

Stachova emphasized the importance of having an upgraded service location in the Burnaby-Edmonds area, which sees one of the highest concentrations of immigrant and refugee households in the city.

Stachova added: “We all see the costs rising; the costs of rent, the cost of construction materials, the cost of infrastructure, and not-for-profits find it increasingly challenging to be able to afford to operate physical service locations in municipalities. So, it’s amazing to have this multi-service location right here, a multi service location that will be supporting immigrants and refugees of all ages through a wide range of services.”

MOSAIC and 48 additional not-for-profit organizations received a total of over $5.3 million in funding through the provincial government’s Community Gaming Grants to buy equipment and make renovations. The upgrades are expected to provide improved accessibility to services and programs.

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