
BC Lions Tackle Violence Against Women

October 24, 2016

Encana, the Government of British Columbia, the Ending Violence Association of BC and the BC Lions welcomed Eyob Naizghi, Executive Director and Ninu Kang, Director of Communications & Development from MOSAIC along with others to the BC Lions suite on Saturday, October 22 to celebrate the program Be More Than Bystander (BMTB).The BMTB program is a ground-breaking partnership between the BC Lions and Ending Violence Association of BC that engages sports icons from the BC Lions to use their status and public profile to create awareness and urge everyone to “Break the Silence on Violence Against Women”.MOSAIC has been involved with the BMTB program from its inception in 2011 by participating on the advisory committee to shape the program, and continues to engage in outreach and training.MOSAIC history of providing counselling, education and support services to immigrant and refugee men dates back over 25 years. The BMTB program provides an opportunity for all men to take a stand against violence against girls and women. “We are proud to be part of this revolutionary movement that will empower the future generations to look after each other and make gender inequality and gender violence a thing of the past.” says Ninu Kang.We are also proud of the BC Lions for putting on a great performance with two touchdowns beating Edmonton Eskimos 32-25!

Pictured left to right: Richard Dunn, VP, Government Relations, Encana Corporation, George Chayka, Vice President, Business, BC Lions, Jackie Tagart, MLA, Fraser-Nicola, Suzanne Anton, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of BC, Harjit Singh Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills and Minister Responsible for Labour, Tracy Porteous, Executive Director of Ending Violence Association of BC, Erwin Kwok, SFU student who recently took the training, Jamie Taras, Director, Community Relations, BC Lions Bottom line: Mike Bernier, Minister of Education of BC, Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development of BC and Eyob Naizghi, MOSAIC Executive Director.

MOSAIC offers free, confidential counselling support and outreach services for women who have experienced, or are at risk of, abuse, threats, or violence in an intimate relationship, sexual assault or childhood abuse. To learn more, please visit:


