About the Alliance

The Alliance objectives include:

  • Strengthen collaboration among Alliance member agencies at senior management, program supervisor and frontline levels.
  • Enhance capacity-building through the development of resources, joint training sessions and knowledge-exchange activities.
  • Ensure a consistent approach to case management.
  • Identify and address issues in a coordinated manner
  • Contribute to the process of developing a national approach to case management


The Alliance is currently composed of 11 member agencies.

These agencies are all funded by Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada to provide case management services to newcomers across the province.

Guiding Documents

The BC Settlement Collaborative Case Management Service Model – Baseline Report:

IRCC funded Service Delivery Improvement (SDI)

In partnership with MOSAIC, UBC School of Social Work and 9 partner agencies across the province, the Innovative BC Case Management Service Model (SDI) examined the existing settlement case management interventions and produced an evidence and outcome-based settlement case management service model.  

The BC Settlement Collaborative Case Management Service Model – Final Report: Link

IRCC funded Service Delivery Improvement (SDI)

The final case management service model report which includes data, evaluation and recommendations of the case management model

IRCC – A framework for delivering case management services to newcomers

The Case Management Framework sets out an overarching and comprehensive approach for the delivery of case management services to clients by service provider organizations across Canada under Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Settlement Program. It provides a vision, key objectives, and guiding principles to support cohesive action to more effectively integrate newcomers facing persistent multiple barriers in Canada. 

Infographic – Comprehensive Support for Refugees and Immigrants Facing Multiple Barriers to Settlement

This infographic outlines services offered by the BC Alliance agencies, including eligibility criteria and service areas, and the barriers faced by their clients.

Funded By

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