Migrant workers put food on our tables, care for our loved ones, and help build our communities.

Canada needs over 400,000 migrant workers to fill employment gaps and sustain our growing economy. MOSAIC’s Migrant Workers Program provides support and benefits to migrant workers, but we need your support.

Critical support and emergency funding are required to support worker needs not covered by government or community programs. Floods, fires, and climate emergencies pose serious dangers for migrant workers who don’t have access to support systems and benefits.

Your donation will help migrant workers cover the costs of essential needs, including:

  • Partial housing and transportation expenses when leaving abusive employment situations
  • Medical expenses when they lack coverage or their need is not covered by MSP or insurance (dental services, prosthetics, medicine, immediate childcare)
  • Partial lost wages in emergency cases in which they are unable to request Employment Insurance (floods, fires, lost crops)
  • Immediate support for clothing, housing, and necessary household items

Support the Migrant Workers Emergency Fund

Help give back to these workers who give so much to Canada!