Broadcast Dialogue – Heritage Minister begins first tour of Western Canada

The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, is visiting Vancouver after...

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Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc – Forty-nine per cent of Canadians favour less immigration, think-tank poll shows

On August 21st, the Angus Reid Institute released a poll indicating that 49% of...

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Thunder Bay News – Forty-nine per cent of Canadians favour less immigration, think-tank poll shows

On August 21st, the Angus Reid Institute released a poll indicating that 49% of...

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Troy Media – Forty-nine per cent of Canadians favour less immigration, think-tank poll shows

On August 21st, the Angus Reid Institute released a poll indicating that 49% of...

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Sing Tao Daily – MOSAIC assists refugee family in private sponsorship scheme

Omaima Meski, who speaks fluent French as well as English and Arabic, shared the...

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La Source and CBC Radio Canada’s Boulevard du Pacifique – Making a home away from home

Omaima Meski, who speaks fluent French as well as English and Arabic, shared the...

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BC TODAY – CBC Radio – Finding affordable housing, a constant challenge for newcomers

The new Rental Housing Task Force launched on June 6th and CBC Radio’s BC...

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The Early Edition – CBC Radio – Kang discusses race and racism on panel

Ninu Kang, Director of Communications and Development, joined in a 15-minute panel discussion on...

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Mingpao Canada – MOSAIC hosts partners for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

MOSAIC and partners hosted more than 300 seniors at Central Park to commemorate World...

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Global TV – MOSAIC joins partners in celebrating World Refugee Day

On June 20th, MOSAIC joined several other organizations in celebrating World Refugee Day at...

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Correctional Services Canada webpage – Sherman Chan: Helping CSC work with ethnocultural offenders

Family and Settlement Services Director Sherman Chan is the volunteer co-chair of a dedicated...

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OMNI TV – Punjabi Edition – Anti-racism forum highlights racism and discrimination against newcomers

MOSAIC led the Surrey Organizing Against Racism and Hate (OARH) forum during the week...

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