Find a Service

MOSAIC has a committed team ready to help you find the right immigrant services and employment support.
Here is what we offer:

MOSAIC is about belonging

MOSAIC provides services to immigrants, refugees, and those from diverse backgrounds to help advance an inclusive and thriving Canada. Our staff and partners work together through employment, settlement, and language services to further the success and sense of belonging of newcomers and individuals from diverse backgrounds.



of clients recommend MOSAIC


client programs


clients served yearly


languages to help clients

How We Help

We have the resources you need to settle into your new life in Canada.

47 service locations

1,200+ employers partnering in our programs

47 years supporting the community

450+ staff ready to help

Upcoming Events

MOSAIC can help you meet new people, learn new skills, and get information about living and working in Canada.

English Conversation Circle: Improve Your Language Skills and Expand Your Social Network!

Brentwood Community Resource Center 2055 Rosser Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Are you looking to improve your English conversation skills and meet new people in a supportive environment? Come join us at our English Conversation Circle! This circle offers a great […]

Walk alongside newcomers in your community

Volunteer With Us

Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity? MOSAIC has many ways you can share your skills, develop new skills, and make connections with others. We have a volunteer opportunity for you. 

Where to find us

MOSAIC has offices and locations that provide services and programs throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Here’s where to find a location near you.  

Recent News

MOSAIC is impacting the lives of others every day. Read recent stories and news from our team and community.