Ресурси для українців
MOSAIC бере на себе провідну роль у підтримці тимчасових переселенцiв та їх утриманців, які приїжджають до Канади з України. Ви можете скористатися більшістю послуг MOSAIC, включаючи пошук роботи, покращення рiвня англійської мови, адаптацію в громаді.
Якщо ви українець, який тимчасово мешкає в Канаді, або ви можете запропонувати допомогу, напишіть до центральної служби MOSAIC щодо підтримки українців: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org
Resources for Ukrainians
MOSAIC is taking a leadership role supporting Ukrainian temporary residents and their dependents coming to Canada. Most MOSAIC services are available — including finding a job, improving your English, settling in the community.
If you are a Ukrainian temporary resident in Canada/CUAET client, or you can offer help, email MOSAIC’s central support for Ukrainians: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org
For Ukrainians
- Free English Classes: If you are a Ukrainian temporary resident, get free English classes from MOSAIC. Small group English classes are a mix of online and in-person.
- Free Employment help: Get help finding a job in Canada through WorkBC centres.
- Settlement and other assistance: If you are a Ukrainian temporary resident, make an appointment with one of MOSAIC’s settlement workers, who will assist you settling in Canada. Email: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org
- Counselling: If you would like to speak with a mental health and wellbeing counsellor, please email: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org. To determine your eligibility for other MOSAIC services, email: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org.
Want to help?
- Be a Volunteer Housing Host: Help provide temporary housing for displaced Ukrainians. If you can host a family in your home, register in our Volunteer database. For more information about helping refugees in Canada, contact us at volunteer@mosaicbc.org
- Make a cash donation: Make a donation to MOSAIC”s refugee programs and services. Donate to the “Refugee Welcome Fund” today.
For more information, email us at ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org.
Other Resources
- Updated: health benefits available to Ukrainian migrants
- More health benefits available to Ukrainian migrants
- Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel measures
- COVID-19 and vaccination measures for Ukrainian nationals
- Support Displaced Ukrainians arriving in Canada
- Welcoming Ukraine portal (BC)
- The B.C. Newcomers’ Guide – Available in Ukrainian
- United for Ukraine
- Ukrainian Canadian Congress
- Ukrainian Displaced Person Assistance Program (UDAP)
- Job bank for Ukraine
- Ukrainian Vancouver
- Special Response Fund for Trainees (Ukraine)
- Online support group for Ukrainian mothers (of children under 18 years old) in Metro Vancouver
- Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
- Help Ukraine Vancouver Island
- Metropolis Institute COVID-19 Information (Ukrainian)
Contact Information
Email: ukraine.support@mosaicbc.org