Workplace Connections Mentoring Program

Career Mentoring for Newcomers to Canada

Looking to re-enter your field in Canada? We help newcomers to Canada connect with career mentors to help them network and get tips on finding local employment.

Mentors are available in:

  • Accounting
  • Architecture
  • Health care
  • Human resources
  • Engineering
  • IT
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Banking
  • Logistics
  • … and more

This program is free to join.

To find out more and apply, check the eligibility criteria and the application form below.


This program is for internationally trained newcomers who have:

  • English at LINC 6 level or higher (CLB 5+)
  • Lived in Canada for less than five years

  • Clear employment goals
  • 2 years of experience in your profession in another country

  • Permanent Resident status, are Refugees, or are Refugee Claimants

Program Description

Workplace Connections offers mentorship in three formats:

Full Mentorship (3 months)

Career mentors have local professional experience and are volunteering their time to help. They come from many industries so we can match you with one in your area of expertise.

If you need it, they will help you:

  • Find potential employers
  • Practice interview skills
  • Build your network
  • Answer industry-specific questions

Information Sessions with Mentors

Want to learn about your profession in Canada? If you need information and are eager to connect with an industry expert, we can set up a one-on-one information session with a mentor who is experienced in your field. You can ask questions and get instant feedback.

Group Mentoring Events

Join other mentees and mentors to network and learn new skills. These interactive sessions cover topics related to finding work in Canada.

Benefits of being a Mentee:

  • Get support for local accreditation processes
  • Grow your professional network
  • Get local job market insights
  • Understand workplace expectations

Want to volunteer as a mentor? 

Learn more about our volunteer opportunities

Available at these locations


Will my mentor help me find a job?

Your mentor is there to provide guidance in your job search and career development. While mentors may not directly secure a job for you, they can offer valuable insights and advice to improve your ability to secure a job in your field. Your mentor’s primary role is to support you with the skills and knowledge needed for success. They can help you with networking, sharing industry knowledge, giving feedback on your resume/cover letter, fine-tuning your interview skills, improving your understanding of the local job market, and helping you navigate challenges. The job search process ultimately relies on your efforts, but your mentor is there to provide valuable support along the way.

How often will I meet my mentor?

Mentees will often begin by meeting with their mentors once per week or once every 2 weeks. It all depends on the preferences of you and your mentor. As you continue to work with your mentor, you and your mentor may decide to change the frequency of the meetings to suit your needs. Meetings with your mentor will be held either online or in person, or a combination of both. You and your mentor get to decide together what works best for both of you.

Can I be matched for more than one mentorship?

Each mentee is assigned one mentor for the duration of their mentorship. In extenuating circumstances, you may be rematched with a different mentor, but such circumstances must genuinely warrant a reassignment. If there is a valid reason preventing you from continuing in your initial mentorship match, please let our team know immediately so that we can find a suitable alternative for you. Additionally, you will have opportunities to meet other mentors in our group mentoring sessions that are held in person and online.

What happens if I find a job during my mentorship?

If you find a job during your mentorship, our staff and your mentor will want to congratulate you on your achievement! Finding a job doesn’t necessarily mean that your mentorship is over. In fact, your mentor can be a great source of support as you begin your professional journey in Canada. Whether or not you continue your mentorship after securing a job is up to you.


The Workplace Connections program gave me encouragement. I felt that there is hope. Mentorship has helped me and will help other newcomers in being successful.

I am thankful to Workplace Connections and to my mentor for the opportunity to be successful in Canada.

The experience with my mentor has been very enriching and has impacted my personal and professional life in so many ways. I am forever grateful to Workplace Connections.


This program is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada and accredited through CARF.

Related Resources

Application form

Program Brochure

Value of Mentorship

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