
Women Engineers helping pre-landed Women Engineers through Online Pre-arrival Services

January 23, 2015

With the positive response from the Online Pre-arrival Services pilot, we are now in the process of developing an Online Pre-arrival Service for Women Engineers and helping them understand the profession better before coming to Canada.A group of women engineers, invited through The Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) and The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC), gathered with us on January 21, 2015 as part of a project focus group to share with us their pre- and post-arrival experiences as internationally trained women engineers. The meeting was a great opportunity for collecting valuable workshop information and building new relationships with each other.A Women Engineer Advisory Group has been formed by the participants, who are very keen to support women engineers from abroad with their expertise, experience, and advice. The project is generously funded by the Westcoast Women in Engineering Science and Technology (WWEST).