In the Media

Tri-City News – New online hub to help Trans newcomers on their settlement journey

February 24, 2019

Stefan Labbé for Tri-City News writes, “the non-profit group MOSAIC launched a online hub for trans and gender diverse newcomers this week, filling a gap the organization says will help trans people settle in when they first arrive in Metro Vancouver.

“The issues and the challenges that are facing trans newcomers are different,” MOSAIC’s Dianna Lee told The Tri-City News. “A lot of the newcomers that come here are from home countries that are intolerant or where it’s illegal.”

The Trans Newcomers Online Resource Hub has been in the works since the end of last September, when MOSAIC won funding from Trans Care BC — a provincial-wide information system to support transgender health — and set about bringing in members of the trans immigrant community to spitball what the online portal should include.”

Read the full article.