
Students Make Gift Packs for Refugee Kids

June 20, 2016

MOSAIC had special visitors today as Grade 5 students from Stratford Hall came by with 52 backpacks bursting with goodies for refugee kids.The class had previously learned about the plight of the Syrian refugees from MOSAIC’s refugee settlement team, and were particularly moved by the experiences of the children.Their proud teacher, Ms. Lindsay Causey, said “The kids were really inspired by what they heard and wanted to find a way to help. They came up with the idea of the gift packs.”The five students visited with Eyob Naizghi and MOSAIC’s directors who thanked them for their efforts.  One of the kids explained to the organization’s leadership group that they also created a variety of teaching activities to bring awareness of the refugee situation to other kids.In each backpack is an assortment toys, books, and mementos divided into boys and girls gift packs. The students had also contacted Science World about their project and the popular attraction donated admission tickets that are also included.Thanks so much to Ms. Causey and Stratford Hall’s Grade 5 class; you guys are awesome!Stratford Hall School Grade 5 presentation 004 Stratford Hall School Grade 5 presentation 011 Stratford Hall School Grade 5 presentation 014