
Spotlight: IKEA receives Employer Recognition Award

October 20, 2020

By Mischa Milne, Communications Coordinator

IKEA Canada is deeply committed to multiculturalism, equity and inclusion – making it a top choice to receive the Employer Recognition Award at the 2020 MOSAIC Awards Ceremony.

“At IKEA, our vision is to create a better everyday life for people. We can’t move forward towards a better future without acknowledging the many intersecting inequalities that our economies and societies create. That’s why equity and multiculturalism are so important to us,” says Xiao Chen, IKEA’s People and Culture Manager for Western Canada.

The MOSAIC Employer Recognition Award is presented to an employer for leadership and commitment in providing a workplace that supports the principles of multiculturalism and employment equity. IKEA Canada has initiated a number of programs that advance this cause, including ‘Equality Is a Human Right’ training for all employees to help address unconscious bias, anti-racism, understanding of privilege and promote being an ally.

The company has also implemented a number of initiatives to support refugees, including launching the Refugee Employment Program in Vancouver in June 2018, which has since been expanded across the country.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring, IKEA stores in the Lower Mainland connected with MOSAIC to support refugees and vulnerable immigrants by packing and donating 400 kits filled with essentials for the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and children’s necessities.

This incredible act of generosity is just one example of what makes IKEA Canada so deserving of the Employer Recognition Award.

Moving forward, IKEA plans to build on its multiculturalism, equity, and inclusion efforts.

“We look forward to continuing our efforts with allies and partners like MOSAIC to make meaningful and measurable change within our organization, our industry, and society as a whole,” says Xiao.

Join us Oct. 22  in celebrating IKEA and other deserving recipients at the 2020 MOSAIC Awards ceremony, Get your free ticket here.