
Spotlight: Eric Termuende, IPC Keynote Speaker

October 14, 2021

By Mischa Milne, Communications Coordinator

For Eric Termuende, keynote speaker of the 2021 Immigrant Professionals Conference (IPC), the future of work is about more than just having a job – it’s also about the kind of life you want to live.

As a professional speaker, Eric has been on nearly 400 stages – including for companies like Amazon, IBM, and Zoom – to talk about workplace culture, innovation, and organizational resiliency. Drawn to entrepreneurship from a young age, he co-founded his first company during his final year of university that focused on helping organizations attract and retain top talent.

From there, he went on to co-found consulting firm NoW Work and write a bestselling book, Rethink Work, which was aimed at those entering the workforce, in job transition, or anyone looking for the perfect candidate.

When it comes to the advice he’ll be giving IPC attendees, Eric notes that we are currently in a period of major opportunity in the job market in which job seekers can land their dream job by positioning themselves correctly, asking the right questions, and continuing to experiment.

“It’s not necessarily about significant change, it’s really – in the research that I’ve done – about making what I like to call ‘one-degree shifts’ to find a better way to do something that we can already do well.”

As for his own career highlights, he says that he doesn’t just have one. For him, being able to do the things he wants to do in life while still working to make his career successful is what matters.

“I’ll be encouraging people at IPC to really understand and focus not just on the skills they develop and the experience that they have, but on building a life that ultimately makes them feel happy too.”