In the Media

Business in Vancouver – Refugee education receives financial boost

June 22, 2022

Glen Korstrom for Business in Vancouver writes, “Developer Ryan Beedie’s Beedie Luminaries foundation today announced plans to provide to refugees up to 10 scholarships worth up to $44,000 each. The move aligns with today being United Nations-designated World Refugee Day.

Beedie launched his education-focused foundation in November 2018 with a $50 million donation that coincided with his 50th birthday. The foundation so far has awarded a total of 487 scholarships to Grade 12 students and single parents. To be eligible for a scholarship through what the foundation is calling its Refugee and Immigrant Student Education (RISE) program, applicants need to be between 20 and 35 years old, and be referred by one of Beedie Luminaries’ partners: Immigrant Services Society of BC, the Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communitites (MOSAIC), or select B.C.-based locations of Settlement Workers in Schools programs in B.C. schools.”

Read the full article.