By Daisy Au, Seniors Club Coordinator
October 1 is National Seniors Day and International Day of Older Persons. Each year, MOSAIC marks this day with our Multicultural Seniors Day event for immigrant, refugee and newcomer seniors.
After the rewarding completion of the Seniors’ DISCovery Project 1 with the MOSAIC Seniors Club, MOSAIC seniors are deeply engaged in DISCovery Project II. DISCovery contains the important acronym “Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Connection,” which forms the foundation of the project.
This year, the DISCovery Project II focuses on redefining and reframing narratives about aging. This project invites seniors to embrace the concept of ‘saging’ as part of aging. A ‘sage’ is one who has developed or attained wisdom from life experience. DISCovery II is focused on examining Canadian beliefs and myths around aging and imagining beyond limiting stereotypes.
“In the DISCovery Network, I learned to re-cultivate an upward mentality, constantly improve myself, establish positive habits, and choose to let go of the past without being limited by my own thinking,” said Lily, a project participant.
On Saturday, Oct. 29, MOSAIC will be celebrating our annual Multicultural Seniors Day event where we will be recognizing senior sages who support each other, provide models of resiliency and thriving with age, and bring an incredible vibrancy to our seniors programming. These ‘sages’ are courageous risk-takers who are open to continually learning and growing – a model for seniors everywhere!
We invite you to join us for this in-person celebration, which will include the inaugural Sage Awards, lunch with cake, and a wonderful time for all. Come and join us to highlight the wisdom, talent, leadership, and diversity of experience that can only be provided by seniors!
Register for this free event, which takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bonsor Recreation Complex Banquet Hall.