A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT BETWEEN: RYTE, NUYU & SWIS PROGRAMDuring Spring Break, three MOSAIC youth programs, RYTE (Redirecting Youth through Empowerment) NuYu Popular Theatre and the SWIS (Settlement Workers in Schools SD40) program collaborated to facilitate a week-long Popular Theatre training for fourteen newcomer youth from New Westminster Secondary School.On Saturday, March 21, 2015 the youth showcased their stories and shared the challenges they face around being a newcomer through forum theatre performances at Century House. The youth presented three short scenes about discrimination, bullying and the impacts of language barriers within the school and home environment. The scenes were powerful and generated audience interventions and dialogue around the struggles faced by newcomer youth in our communities. Solutions were also generated to identify stratetiges for making newcomers feel welcomed and supported as they settle in Canada.This was a successful collaboration between various MOSAIC youth programs. It encouraged youth to share their stories, speak up about their daily challenges, break barriers, build new friendships, increase self-confidence, reach out for support when in need and most of all, have fun!