
Moving Ahead Settlement & Integration Fair

March 10, 2016

MOSAIC’s Moving Ahead program held a Settlement & Integration Fair for clients on Friday, March 4th, at the Nikkei Centre in Burnaby. The event gave sixty-nine clients from MOSAIC and Burnaby Family Life’s Moving Ahead clients the opportunity to meet face-to-face with different Burnaby community services such as settlement services, WorkBC, victim services, early childhood programs and community centres. As well, Raj Chouhan, Burnaby-Edmonds MLA gave a presentation so the newcomers could learn about the different levels of Canadian government and their respective roles. Besides providing settlement information, the event also brought the community together and celebrated diversity with cultural performances and a colourful multicultural fashion show participated by staff and clients.Moving Ahead provides case management and settlement support to vulnerable and multi-barriered newcomers. “This was a great opportunity for our clients to meet and speak with representatives of community organizations face-to-face, and ask questions,” says Program Coordinator Zarghoona Wakil. “This gives them a better idea of what is out there which builds their confidence to approach community services themselves, and also an opportunity to get acquainted to other cultural groups in the community.”Click here to view photos from the event on Facebook!