Children & Youth

MOSAIC Youth Leaders Successfully Launch New CCR Branch at Victoria Conference

June 5, 2019

In early 2019, MOSAIC was selected to lead a BC National Youth Network branch for the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR). A youth leaders team was formed within MOSAIC’s FreeRunning program to help establish the program and they have just successfully participated in the CCR’s Spring Consultation which took place in Victoria from May 29-June1, 2019.

Five youth leaders – consisting of youth clients from diverse cultural backgrounds – presented to other youth at the event, sharing their pilot projects, personal experiences and perspectives regarding issues faced by newcomer youth.

Mssko Wakil

Under the auspices of MOSAIC’s highly-regarded FreeRunning program, the BC Branch of CCR’s National Youth Network will continue its commitment to facilitate youth engagement at the local and national levels. The youth leaders’ team is led by MOSAIC Youth Case Manager and Coordinator for the CCR Local Youth Network Branch in BC, Mssko Wakil. Wakil previously organized and led the CCR Newcomer Youth Civic Engagement Project, is a refugee to Canada herself, and a former MOSAIC client.

By participating in the establishment of this local branch of the CCR, MOSAIC’s newcomer youth leaders have gained increased confidence and learned valuable skills including public speaking, event organizing, negotiation skills, group facilitation and a better understanding of systemic challenges.

“It feels more robust and capable of doing something, and I feel great and fulfillment, ” said Rukiye one of the youth leaders.

“With the consultation, I have been granted the splendid opportunity to have fruitful conversations with prominent people in their fields furnishing me to have the further knowledge, muse and the motivation to continue advancing my branch and helping my community,” said Kemal Sen, another one of the youth branch leaders.

Additional leadership training for two of the youth leaders will take place in Toronto later this month and the next National Youth Network meeting will be in New Brunswick this fall.