
MOSAIC Statement of Solidarity

August 18, 2017

In light of the discussions around racism and inclusion in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as planned rallies in Vancouver promoting hatred and division, MOSAIC has released the following statement:

MOSAIC Statement of Solidarity (August 18, 2017)

MOSAIC denounces any expression of discrimination, hate, racism, anti-immigrant/refugee, antisemitism, homophobia, anti-Muslim prejudice and all other forms of hatred that marginalize and oppress individuals and groups. We value and advocate for diverse voices in building community.

As an immigrant and refugee serving organization, working with our clients who come from over 50 countries, it is our experience that systemic barriers, including racism and discrimination, are obstacles to their full participation in Canadian society.

We are committed to working with all who uphold the values of inclusion and acceptance of all people to build healthy communities.