
MOSAIC Job Fair attracts over 2700 job seekers

April 13, 2018

Over 2,700 job seekers came out to meet recruiters at MOSAIC’s 7th Annual Career & Job Fair on Tuesday, April 10th. The hiring event attracted a record number of employers, likely a reflection of the lowest unemployment rate in Canada since 1978.

Among the 83 companies recruiting at the event, there were some businesses making their first appearances at a MOSAIC job fair. This included Air Canada, which had a lineup throughout the day to meet their recruiters, as well as other recognizable brands such as Canada Revenue Agency, Hudson’s Bay, Shopify and Ikea.

“Both returning employers and new employer participants seemed really happy with the turnout. I had a chance to speak with many of the recruiters and they all said they were impressed with the quality of the candidates they met.” Dina Cherevko, coordinator of the job fair, also noted that job seekers were energetic and positive throughout the day. “Everyone was in a good mood. Maybe the fact that the sun came out in the afternoon helped, but I think the coffee lounge that the Croatian Cultural Centre sponsored this year contributed to a more relaxed atmosphere for everyone.

“Our staff really rose to the occasion and I’m particularly grateful to our volunteers, who did an outstanding job. We couldn’t have pulled this off as successfully without their help and I am very appreciative of the time and effort they provided.”

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MOSAIC’s Career & Job Fair, held annually in April, allows job seekers to network with recruiters from many companies and many different sectors. To learn more, please visit mosaicbc.org/careerfair.