
MOSAIC-HIPPY graduation, a big success

July 23, 2015

On June 5, 2015, MOSAIC-HIPPY graduation was a big success as parents and other family and friends gathered at North Burnaby Neighborhood House, PIRS, and MOSAIC locations. Eighty families received graduation certificates after successfully completing 21+ weeks,  while 42 families got certificates of achievement for participating in the program less than 20 weeks, working with their children and attending group meetings.The HIPPY program, is a free home-based program which recognizes the parents to be their children’s first and best teachers. Research has shown that the ideal time for children to start learning is in their earliest years. MOSAIC- HIPPY program not only empowers newcomer parents to help their children succeed in school, it allows these parents to be better providers by helping them integrate into Canadian society more quickly and easily.Home visitors are employed to work with families in their homes. The home visitors bring a new set of instructional materials weekly, and using role-play, they spend one hour per week with the parent(s) reviewing the materials which in turn, the parents then deliver to their child in 15-minute daily sessions. Newcomer families make a two-year commitment to participate in the program for 30 weeks per year, concurrently with the school year. During the past few years, and through each of the HIPPY cycles, our program has served over 200 families and 210 children in Burnaby and Vancouver.

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This article was written by the MOSAIC Communications Team, dedicated to sharing impactful stories about newcomers, fostering community engagement, and promoting diversity and inclusion.

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