
Local restaurants dish out support

December 17, 2020

A group of five restaurants in the Lower Mainland are unveiling a new initiative to support refugee and immigrant families as they start a new life in Canada.

The campaign, ‘Feast for MOSAIC Families’, provides the opportunity to treat newcomer families to a restaurant meal at one of five local establishments: Vij’s, Acorn, Autostrada, Burdock and Co. Community Harvest, and Ubuntu.

“We want to connect our cuisines with refugee and immigrant families who can’t afford to dine out or do take-out, but would love a break from the hardships that come with settling into a new country, especially during the winter,” said Meeru Dhalwala, MOSAIC board member and Vij’s co-owner.

Dhalwala’s family immigrated to North America when she was a child, and she remembers how much it would have meant for their family to have a meal out as her parents struggled to establish themselves and build a better life.

“My parents yearned to feel more connected to their new country. During the first few years in North America, they really would have enjoyed a night out or a break from our dinner routine to experience what they saw everyone else enjoying — be a couple on date night or a family having fun.”

By choosing to purchase a gift card through the Feasts for MOSAIC Families campaign, you can support both a newcomer family and a local restaurant in your community.

You can visit the website of the restaurant of your choice to find more information.

If you would like to give directly to MOSAIC to support programs for newcomer children and families, youth, seniors or our work for inclusivity and diversity, please donate here.

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