
Korean government officials meet with MOSAIC to discuss global talent partnership

August 23, 2018

On August 23, 2018, three government officials from the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRD Korea) met with MOSAIC to discuss how the Korean government can support their citizens to immigrate to Canada.

The discussion focused on ways for MOSAIC to be HRD Korea’s focal point of contact for BC and in Canada, including helping to engage other organizations in Canada, assisting with information regarding foreign credential requirements in Canada, and encouraging information sharing about labour market trends.

“Canada has a tremendous need for talent,” stated Olga Stachova, MOSAIC’s Chief Executive Officer. “MOSAIC is very excited at the opportunity to work closely with the government of Korea to help bridge the gap for Korean experts, and in particular Korean young professionals, to explore employment in Canada.”

MOSAIC staff present at this meeting: Olga Stachova, Chief Executive Officer, Sherman Chan, Director of Family and Settlement Services, John Dubé, Senior Manager, Settlement Programs, and Darae Lee, Manager, Settlement Programs.

HRD Korea was established in 1982 under the Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour to perform the core role of developing and managing national human resources, in cooperation with the business community. HRD Korea, through Worldjob+, provides an integrated recruitment support system to foreign companies wanting to hire talented Korean employees and interns. More than 300,000 registered members are looking for overseas jobs.