MOSAIC encourages everyone to raise awareness and take a stand against all forms of violence. We must believe and stand with victims of crime and survivors of gender-based violence.
We tend to think of sexual assaults as occurring in a dark alley in the middle of the night by strangers, but in fact this type of sexual assault is rare. The offender is usually known to the survivor – an employer, co-worker, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, neighbour, or relative. Please click here to read about sexual assault facts, consent, and myths.
If you are working with someone who is impacted by gender-based violence or trauma, support is available at MOSAIC. The Stopping the Violence Counselling program offers free, confidential counselling support and Multicultural Outreach Services for all self-identifying women who have experienced, or are at risk of, abuse, threats, or violence in intimate relationships, sexual assault or childhood abuse. The Multicultural Victim Services Program offers emotional support and practical assistance in dealing with the criminal justice system for multicultural victims of all types of crimes. MOSAIC also offers the Enhanced Settlement Services for Women (ESSW) Program, which is available to newcomer women in Surrey who may find themselves at risk or be impacted by family violence. This program offers basic counselling, information/orientation, safety planning, monthly topical workshops and referrals to local resources.
MOSAIC’s I Belong Program specifically caters to LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, other) newcomers. Services are provided to transwomen and queer women from around the world who have gone through trauma, discrimination and violence in their home countries or in Canada. I Belong offers free and confidential peer support group and group counselling sessions once a month. The program is also developing the Trans Newcomer Online Resource Hub Project catering to the needs of trans newcomers through an online platform. For further information, contact
For more information and support, feel free to call us at 604-254-9626 and 604-438-8214 for STV Counselling/Multicultural Outreach Services, 604-254-9626 (ext 1079 or 1019) for Multicultural Victim Services Program, and at 778-591-9334 (ext. 193) for the Enhanced Settlement Services for Women (ESSW) Program.