
Spotlight: Josh Stephens – Goodell Scholarship

July 9, 2024

By Guangke Dai, Communications Officer              (Goodell Scholarship)

MOSAIC is proud to award the Goodell Scholarship to Josh Stephens, who will pursue a Bachelor of Science with a focus on education. This scholarship, presented at the MOSAIC Awards 2024, supports exceptional students in British Columbia who demonstrate both academic excellence and a commitment to non-academic interests, such as sports, music, or drama.

Josh, a 17-year-old from Yarrow, grew up in a large, diverse family of eight siblings on the outskirts of Chilliwack. Despite the bustling environment, he has maintained excellent academic performance, a testament to his resilience. His passion for math and science has driven him to set clear goals for his future.

Outstanding achievements and a relentless pursuit of knowledge mark Josh’s academic journey. He has remained an A Honour student throughout high school, excelling particularly in math and science, where his natural aptitude and hard work have set him apart.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Josh has been deeply engaged in sports, particularly hockey, which he has played competitively for nearly a decade. He plays for the Chilliwack Minor Hockey Association and is captain of the team.

Josh’s journey has not been without its financial hurdles. His family faced significant financial strain when his father fell ill and required multiple operations. Despite his rigorous coursework and athletic commitments, Josh has maintained a part-time job at Canadian Tire for over three years, where he has further honed his people skills and time management abilities.

“Balancing work, sports, and academics hasn’t been easy, but it has taught me valuable time management skills,” he said.

Juggling these three commitments is impressive enough, but Josh is dedicated to even more. He is also committed to community service, volunteering at a local elementary school to coach ball hockey for students aged 6-11 and participating in programs that support children with autism.
These extensive volunteer experiences solidified his passion for working with children and significantly influenced his decision to switch from engineering to teaching.

Josh has been accepted into both the UBC Okanagan Engineering Program and the UFV Engineering Transfer Program. He plans to attend UFV to become a high school math or science teacher. “(Volunteering is) one of the main driving factors that made me switch to teaching,” he said. “It helped me with my public speaking skills and played a huge part in switching from an engineering career goal to being a teacher.”

The Goodell Scholarship will provide crucial financial support, alleviating the stress of student debt and allowing Josh to focus on his studies, sports, and volunteer work. “This scholarship is a big relief and a weight off shoulders for me and my family. It opens up some more doors for me, and it just lets me do what I want to do,” Josh expressed gratefully.

Josh’s story demonstrates the power of determination, the importance of community, and the impact of financial support in achieving academic and career goals. It reminds us that we all have a role to play in supporting our future leaders. MOSAIC is proud to help students like Josh, who demonstrate exceptional promise and a commitment to giving back to their communities.

Congratulations on winning the 2024 MOSAIC Awards, Josh. We are excited to watch your journey unfold and witness your future achievements.