By Samantha Matute – SCENE Project Facilitator
MOSAIC joins in celebrating National Volunteer Week (April 19-25). This year’s theme is: “It’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers” — so let’s applaud Canada’s 12.7 million volunteers, and MOSAIC’S 400+ active volunteers. Last year, we were gifted with 8,274 volunteer hours – that’s almost the equivalent of someone working full-time 24 hours a day for 365 days! We couldn’t do what we do without our dedicated volunteers and their continuous support.
If you would like to acknowledge a MOSAIC volunteer, share your experience and thanks on your personal social media and tag us (@mosaicbc) so we can share further.
Here are a few of our volunteers in the spotlight:
Andrea Montgomery Di Marco
Through the work she has done, Andrea has embedded some new approaches to refugee community building.
As a MOSAIC volunteer, Andrea is the facilitator for 3 different English Conversation Groups: Refugee Mothers with preschool children; Culture Conversation Groups; and Seniors. Andrea is also a senior leader – she facilitates the Senior Advisory Council and leads the Senior Multicultural Choir.
Andrea is currently the CEO of Flourishing Foundation, a local non-profit society dedicated to refugee, immigrant and Indigenous women in Canada, supporting education, entrepreneurial enterprises, and reunification of families.
Ejiro Akpomiemie
Ejiro was born in Delta State, Nigeria, and came to Vancouver in September 2016 to study.
Ejiro is a new volunteer with us, only having started as a MOSAIC volunteer in February 2020. But she’s already making an impact volunteering as an Activity Facilitator and a Youth Mentor. Working with the Homework Club, Ejiro helps set up and ensure the classroom space is ready to support the learning environment, and makes sure students are able to make their way home after the lessons.
When not volunteering, Ejiro loves watching documentaries and movies, as well as travelling.
Gwen Bui
Gwen started volunteering at MOSAIC in January 2020 and has been volunteering as a Youth Mentor at MOSAIC’S Homework Club where she helps individual students with science and math, and shares her study tips with the students.
Gwen plans to continue volunteering to gain more experience while completing her degree, and is thinking of possibly pursuing another post-graduate degree in Health Science in the future.
Katharine Ellison
Kate started volunteering at MOSAIC in January 2020. Focusing on the Homework Club, she works with students on Friday afternoons, helping them with homework as they need, and facilitating fun icebreakers and brain/body breaks.
As a volunteer, Kate is hoping to practice various teaching skills, including how to meet the particular learning needs of newcomer students.
Her future plans include a career in education or public service, and writing a novel.