
Newcomers Vancouver Fair

May 26, 2014

On May 24 & 25, MOSAIC participated in the Newcomers Vancouver Fair, held at the Sheraton Wall Centre in downtown Vancouver. It was the first time this fair has been staged by Newcomers Canada, a dedicated online resource exclusively connecting landed immigrants, temporary foreign workers (TFWs) and international students with local providers of employment, education, foreign credential, immigration and settlement services.

The fair attracted a number of temporary foreign workers who stopped by the MOSAIC booth to learn about IM.POWER.ED – our TFW program which includes: the pro bono legal clinic; the drop-in ESL class which allows participants to share information, learn about rights, responsibilities and employment laws and exchange ideas; and how to find workshops on topics of interest to TFWs.

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This article was written by the MOSAIC Communications Team, dedicated to sharing impactful stories about newcomers, fostering community engagement, and promoting diversity and inclusion.

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